California is Yoga mad...EVERYBODY does it ...Walking around Santa Monica
you will find a yoga class going on pretty much every street on every hour of
every day...
So I thought I would give it try... I
wasn't expecting much, had always thought Yoga was bit of a cop out from doing
some real exercise. A nice thing to do on a Saturday morning before coffee
maybe not!!
My first yoga class was a real shocker.
The leaflet had said “ mixed levels” but it seemed that I had joined
the super duper advanced class. How hard can it be I thought and confidently unrolled my mat. However when the supertoned teeny weeny instructor starts, "Let's begin with down up dog...then onto warrior..and broken tree..."I knew I was in trouble...
The group seamlessly
flowed into different poses and contorsions.... I followed behind, arms and legs everywhere and collapsing in heap well before everyone else. By the
end of it I was exhausted, the rest of the week my muscles ached in places I didn’t even know I
had muscles! I was impressed by the others who seemed soo strong, so incontrol and
soo flexible!!
So that was it I was converted...
Today I did my first handstand in about 15 was so much fun and a little bit liberating too....
Ps it is also a nice thing to do before coffee on a saturday morning providing you're not too sweaty!!
Dont have any photos of yoga-but we found this little guy at the zoo and he's super relaxed....